Boosting Your Amazon Affiliate Revenue: Advanced Tips for Using AAWP Plugin

Boosting Your Amazon Affiliate Revenue Advanced Tips for Using AAWP Plugin

The AAWP (Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin) is a robust tool that can help you maximize your affiliate earnings through Amazon.

While setting up AAWP is straightforward, leveraging its advanced features and strategies can significantly enhance your affiliate marketing success.

In this blog post, we’ll explore advanced tips and strategies for using the AAWP plugin to drive more traffic, increase conversions, and improve the overall user experience on your affiliate website.

1. Optimize Product Displays for Higher Conversions

Use High-Impact Product Boxes

AAWP Use High Impact Product Boxes

Product boxes are a powerful way to highlight individual Amazon products on your site. To boost conversions:

  • Design Customization: Tailor the design of your product boxes to match your site’s branding. Use contrasting colors and eye-catching button styles to attract attention.
  • Focus on CTAs: Use compelling call-to-action (CTA) buttons like “Buy Now” or “Check Price.” Experiment with different CTA texts and placements to find what resonates best with your audience.
  • Add Reviews and Ratings: Incorporate customer reviews and star ratings to build trust and provide social proof.

Create Engaging Comparison Tables

AAWP Create Engaging Comparison Tables

Comparison tables allow users to compare multiple products side-by-side, which can help them make informed decisions.

  • Highlight Key Features: Emphasize the unique selling points of each product in the comparison table. Use clear, concise descriptions and highlight the benefits.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your tables are responsive and look good on mobile devices. Use AAWP’s settings to adjust table sizes and layouts for different screen sizes.
  • Include Sorting Options: If possible, include sorting features in your tables, such as sorting by price or rating, to enhance user experience.

2. Utilize Dynamic Product Lists

Generate Curated Lists

AAWP Generate Curated Lists

Create curated product lists to target specific audience segments or trends.

  • Seasonal Lists: Generate lists for seasonal events or holidays, such as “Top Gifts for Christmas” or “Best Summer Essentials.” Tailor the list to current trends to capture timely traffic.
  • Niche Lists: Create product lists based on niche interests, like “Best Gadgets for Tech Enthusiasts” or “Top Fitness Gear for Home Workouts.”

Leverage Shortcodes for Custom Lists

AAWP Leverage Shortcodes for Custom Lists

Use AAWP’s shortcodes to embed custom product lists into your posts and pages. This allows you to:

  • Showcase Bestsellers: Highlight Amazon’s bestsellers or top-rated products in your niche.
  • Promote New Arrivals: Feature new or trending products to keep your content fresh and relevant.

3. Enhance SEO and User Engagement

Implement Schema Markup

AAWP supports schema markup, which helps search engines understand your content better and can improve your site’s visibility.

  • Add Product Schema: Ensure that product boxes and comparison tables include product schema to enhance search engine results.
  • Monitor SEO Performance: Use tools like Google Search Console to track the impact of schema markup on your search rankings.

Optimize for Speed

A fast-loading site is crucial for retaining visitors and improving SEO.

  • Use Caching: Enable caching for product data to reduce load times and server strain. Configure AAWP’s cache settings to balance performance and data freshness.
  • Optimize Images: Ensure that product images are optimized for fast loading without sacrificing quality. Use image compression tools or plugins to reduce file sizes.

4. Utilize Geolocation Features

Implement Geolocation for Global Reach

Geolocation ensures users are directed to the appropriate Amazon store based on their location, which can increase conversions.

  • Enable Local Stores: Ensure that your AAWP settings are configured to direct users to their local Amazon storefronts (e.g., .com,, .de).
  • Track Performance: Monitor performance metrics to see how geolocation affects your conversion rates and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Personalize User Experience

Use geolocation data to personalize product recommendations based on regional preferences and trends.

  • Localized Recommendations: Display products that are popular or highly rated in specific regions to better cater to your audience’s preferences.
  • Regional Promotions: Highlight region-specific promotions or deals to increase relevance and appeal.

5. Monitor and Analyze Performance

Track Clicks and Conversions

Regularly monitor the performance of your product displays and affiliate links.

  • Use Analytics Tools: Implement Google Analytics or similar tools to track clicks, conversions, and overall performance. Analyze which products and displays perform best.
  • Adjust Strategies: Based on performance data, adjust your product displays, CTAs, and content strategies to optimize for higher conversions.

Conduct A/B Testing

Test different variations of product displays, CTAs, and layouts to determine what works best.

  • Test Designs: Experiment with different designs for product boxes, comparison tables, and lists. Track which designs lead to higher engagement and conversions.
  • Optimize CTAs: Test different CTA texts, colors, and placements to find the most effective combinations.


The AAWP plugin offers powerful features that can significantly enhance your Amazon affiliate marketing efforts.

By utilizing advanced tips and strategies such as optimizing product displays, generating dynamic product lists, enhancing SEO, leveraging geolocation, and monitoring performance, you can drive more traffic, increase conversions, and improve the overall user experience on your affiliate website.

Implement these strategies to maximize your affiliate revenue and stay ahead in the competitive world of affiliate marketing. Happy optimizing!

Hey, Nayan Dhumal here, I am a Blogger and Web Designer, I started my blogging career 5 years ago. I love to write about SEO, Make Money Online, Digital product reviews, and the latest news in the tech industry.